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2021-2022 / Discover the power of light

5th and · Colegio San Gabriel
Zuera · Zaragoza
Lab1 Light & Movement
Catch the light!

The magic of refraction

No, it doesn't travel in the same way. When the light changes directions when it passes some different surfaces. The refraction was important in this experiment. The properties of light is very important in development of new technology, as fibre optics.

Lab2 Light & Materials
Shadow play!

Into the shadows

An opaque object is an object where the light can't pass through. A translucent object is an object where the light can pass through a little bit. The light changes the direction. Shape, colour, type of object...

Lab3 Light & Vision
Capture the image!

The things behind the camera... 3,2,1 dark!!!

Because we have to focus the image to see correctly. Because the optical nerve sends the image to the brain and the brain interpretes the image

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