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2020-2021 / Descubre el poder de la luz

6º · Ceip María Moliner
ZARAGOZA · Zaragoza
Lab1 Luz & Movimiento
¡Atrapa la luz!

We can move light!

Light always travels in a straight line. But..can it be diverted? To divert light we need a transparent material. (glass, plastic…) Light travels in a straight line in one material. Light is diverted when it travels from one material to another. This phenomenon is called REFRACTION. Refraction is the change in direction of a ray of light, caused by the change in the ray’s speed. Refraction is seen most often when a ray passes from one transparent medium to another transparent medium. Different types of medium include air and water. For example, when a light ray travels through air and then passes into water, the ray will slow and change direction.

Lab2 Luz & Materiales
¡Juego de sombras!

The clue is in the shadow

This is what we have learned with the experiment: Materials can be classified based on the amount of light they transmit. Transparent objects: Materials, which allow complete transmission of light are called transparent. Any object can be seen through a transparent material. Glass is a transparent material. Opaque objects: Opaque materials reflect or absorb any incident light. As a result light cannot pass through opaque materials. Wood, stone...are opaque materials. Translucent objects: Translucent materials allow partial transmission of light through them. A part of the incident light may get reflected or scattered, as it passes through the interior of the material. Any object, seen through a translucent material , appears fuzzy. Some examples are tissue, some plastics…

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