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5°A SuperScience

2023-2024 / Ikusezina ikusten

5. · Ceip María Moliner
ZARAGOZA · Zaragoza
Lab1 Materia
Ikusten duguna baino ez al da existitzen?

Hemos visto un gas invisible.

Hemos descubierto que hay cosas que existen y no podemos ver. La materia se puede encontrar sólida, líquida o gaseosa. El Dióxido tiene una densidad diferente al aire y por eso apaga la vela al caer encima.

Lab2 Indarra
Zergatik mugitzen dira objektuak?

Hemos hecho visible la fuerza del magnetismo.

Make an Observation We have observed a compass pointing to the North. Question 1. Can we change its direction? 2.Can we make the same without using a magnet? Hypothesis No, because a compass always points to the North because the Earth has magnetism. Experiment Procedure 1. Wire 1: Place one extreme of a wire to the battery. 2. Connect the other extreme to the other part of the battery. 3. Place the wire on the compass. 4. Observe Results The compass doesn’t point to North. Conclusion We have created a magnetic field. So the magnet of the compass doesn’t know where to point because there are two magnetic fields next to it. The compass becomes “crazy”.

Lab3 Energia
Zergatik aldatzen da materia?

El Negro absorbe todos los colores y por eso explota antes

When we are dressed in black and it's very sunny we are very hot, but if we are dressed in white we are better Can we demonstrate dark colours absorb the heat better? __Yes, we can demonstrate it using balloons and a magnificent glass. __ No, we can't, because we can’t measure the temperature of colours. Procedure Inflate the balloons. Wear sunglasses. Place the magnificent glass between the balloon and the sun. Control the time until the balloon explodes. Compare the different times obtained by different colours. Light balloons took more time to explode, the darker is the colour the less time it needs to explode. We have demonstrated that dark colours absorb more energy (heat) than light colours because they don’t reflect any light, so they keep all the energy. That, makes dark balloons explode before light balloons.

Urrats bat gehiago eta listo!


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