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2020-2021 / Ezagutu argiaren indarra

6. · Ceip María Moliner
ZARAGOZA · Zaragoza
Lab1 Argia eta mugimendua
Harrapatu argia!

We can move light!

Light always travels in a straight line. But..can it be diverted? To divert light we need a transparent material. (glass, plastic…) Light travels in a straight line in one material. Light is diverted when it travels from one material to another. This phenomenon is called REFRACTION. Refraction is the change in direction of a ray of light, caused by the change in the ray’s speed. Refraction is seen most often when a ray passes from one transparent medium to another transparent medium. Different types of medium include air and water. For example, when a light ray travels through air and then passes into water, the ray will slow and change direction.

Lab2 Argia eta objektuak

The clue is in the shadow

This is what we have learned with the experiment: Materials can be classified based on the amount of light they transmit. Transparent objects: Materials, which allow complete transmission of light are called transparent. Any object can be seen through a transparent material. Glass is a transparent material. Opaque objects: Opaque materials reflect or absorb any incident light. As a result light cannot pass through opaque materials. Wood, stone...are opaque materials. Translucent objects: Translucent materials allow partial transmission of light through them. A part of the incident light may get reflected or scattered, as it passes through the interior of the material. Any object, seen through a translucent material , appears fuzzy. Some examples are tissue, some plastics…






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